博士 | 2013/9–2018/7 | 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 | 高分子化学与物理
学士 | 2009/9–2013/7 | 安徽大学| 高分子材料与工程
2018/10–2021/10 法国斯特拉斯堡大学 访问学者
2022/11–2023/12 武汉理工大学化学化工与生命科学学院 讲师
2024/01–至今武汉理工大学化学化工与生命科学学院 特设副研究员
长期从事金属有机化学和功能高分子材料合成两方面的研究工作:(1)设计合成过渡金属配合物(Fe,Co,Ni,Cu等),从金属配合物的晶体结构解析、反应机理以及密度泛函理论计算等方面系统研究配合物的性质,探究其在小分子活化转化和催化有机合成反应等方面的潜在应用;(2)设计合成高性能有机高分子材料,对材料的耐热性能、机械性能、介电性能等实现功能调控。迄今为止在Coordin. Chem. Rev.、ACS Catal.、Chin. Chem. Lett.、Chem. Commun.、Chem. Eur. J.、Macromolecules、ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces等期刊发表论文SCI 20余篇,中国发明专利4项。
[1] 新型有机金属配合物的设计合成与催化反应研究
[2] 高性能有机高分子材料的设计合成及性能调控
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目新型氮杂环卡宾镍配合物催化卤代芳烃与水的羟基化反应研究,30万元,2024–2026年,主持,在研;
[2] 学科交叉科技成果转化培育项目耐高温有机材料研发,5万元,2023–2024年,主持,在研;
[3] 中央高校专项基金新型双核镍配合物催化卤代芳烃与水的羟基化反应研究,5万元,2023–2024年,主持,在研;
[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目全碳季碳醛的去对称化催化不对称烯丙基反应研究,50万元,2024–2027年,参与,在研;
[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目 以我国特有植物油大茴香脑为起始原料, 合成高性能聚合物的研究,2018-2021,参与,结题;
[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目 可直接热交联的有机硅大分子的合成、后聚合反应及交联产物的性能研究, 2016-2020,参与,结题;
[7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目 以芴为母体的可热固化的分子玻璃的合成及其作为高耐热、低介电常数材料的性能研究, 2014-2018, 参与,结题;
[8] 国家自然科学基金面上项目可热交联的含氟聚硅氧烷的合成及性能研究, 2017-2021,参与,结题。
[1] Fengkai He*, Konstantinos P. Zois, Demeter Tzeli, Andreas A. Danopoulos, Pierre Braunstein*. Metal complexes with pincers ligands containing a bridgehead NHC donor. Coordin. Chem. Rev. 2024, 514, 215757.
[2] Zhenni Zhao#, Fengkai He#, Yuhao Wang#, Yichao Li, Zihan Li, Xiaoyu Yang, Uwe Schneider, Yiyong Huang*. Asymmetric clicking of alkynyl dipolarophiles and nitrones catalyzed by a well-defined chiral iron complex. ACS Catal. 2024, 14, 17, 13291–13302.
[3] Bingsen Xiang, Yuhao Wang, Chuqing Xiao, Fengkai He*, Yiyong Huang*. Chemodivergent annulations of allenyl imides and β,γ-enones switched by nucleophilic phosphine and amine catalysts. Chin. Chem. Lett. 2024, 35, 108777.
[4] Fengkai He, Christophe Gourlaouen, Huan Pang, Pierre Braunstein*. Influence of the Flexibility of Nickel PCP-Pincer Complexes on C–H and P–C Bond Activation and Ethylene Reactivity: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Investigation. Chem. Eur. J. 2022, 28, e202104234.
[5] Fengkai He, Christophe Gourlaouen, Huan Pang, Pierre Braunstein*. Double Ni(II)- and Pd(II)-Promoted C(sp3)–H Bond Activation: Facile Access to NHC Pincer Complexes. Chem. Eur. J. 2022, 28, e202200507.
[6] Fengkai He, Christophe Gourlaouen, Huan Pang, Pierre Braunstein*. Imidazolium salts and [Pt(cod)2]: from NHC hydrido complexes to the unprecedented olefinic tetrahedral cluster [Pt4(μ-H)(cod)4]BF4. Chem. Commun. 2021, 57, 10039-10042.
[7] Xiaoyao Chen, Linxuan Fang, Jiajia Wang, Fengkai He, Xingrong Chen, Yuanqiang Wang, Junfeng Zhou, Yangqing Tao, Jing Sun*, and Qiang Fang*. Intrinsic High Refractive Index Siloxane-Sulfide Polymer Networks Having High Thermostability and Transmittance via Thiol-Ene Crosslinking Reaction. Macromolecules 2018, 51, 7567-7573.
[8] Fengkai He, Kaikai Jin, Jing Sun*, Qiang Fang*. Biobased anethole/polyacrylate cross-linked materials with good transparency and high thermostability. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2018, 6, 3, 3575–3579.
[9] Fengkai He, Kaikai Jin, Yuanqiang Wang, Jiajia Wang, Junfeng Zhou, Jing Sun*, Qiang Fang*. High performance polymer perived from a biorenewable plant oil (anethole). ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2017, 5, 2578-2584.
[10] Yangqin Tao, Fengkai He, Kaikai Jin, Jiajia Wang, Yuanqiang Wang, Junfeng Zhou, Jing Sun*, Qiang Fang*. Facile conversion of plant oil (anethole) to a high-performance material. Polym. Chem. 2017, 8, 2010-2015.
[11] Fengkai He, Yu Gao, Kaikai Jin, Jiajia Wang, Jing Sun*, Qiang Fang*.Conversion of a biorenewable plant oil (anethole) to a new fluoropolymer with both low dielectric constant and low water uptake. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2016, 4, 4451-4456.
[12] Yijie Luo, Kaikai Jin, Chunqing He, Jiajia Wang, Jing Sun, Fengkai He, Junfeng Zhou, Yuanqiang Wang, Qiang Fang*. An Intrinsically Microporous Network Polymer with Good Dielectric Properties at High Frequency. Macromolecules 2016, 49, 7314–7321.
[13] Yijie Luo, Jing Sun, Jiajia Wang, Kaikai Jin, Fengkai He, Qiang Fang*. A novel thermo-polymerizable aromatic diamine: synthesis and application in enhancement of the properties of conventional polyimides. Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2016, 217, 856.
[14] Fengkai He, Kaikai Jin, Jiajia Wang, Yijie Luo, Jing Sun, Qiang Fang*. New fluoropolymers having both low water uptake and a low dielectric constant. Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2015, 216, 2302-2308.
[15] Jiajia Wang, Yijie Luo, Kaikai Jin, Chao Yuan, Jing Sun, Fengkai He, Qiang Fang*. A novel one-pot synthesized organosiloxane: synthesis and conversion to directly thermo-crosslinked polysiloxanes with low dielectric constants and excellent thermostability. Polym. Chem. 2015, 6, 5984-5988.
[16] Song Tian, Jing Sun, Kaikai Jin, Jiajia Wang, Fengkai He, Shijun Zheng, Qiang Fang*. Postpolymerization of a fluorinated and reactive poly(aryl ether): an efficient way To balance the solubility and solvent resistance of the polymer. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2014, 6, 22, 20437–20443.
[17] Fengkai He, Chao Yuan, Kai Li, Shen Diao, Kaikai Jin, Jiajia Wang, Jiawei Tong, Juan Ma, Qiang Fang*. A new low dielectric material with high thermostability based on a thermosetting trifluoromethyl substituted aromatic molecule. RSC Adv. 2013, 3, 23128–23132.